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February 13, 2009


  • Bergbahnen Brandnertal and SKIDATA bring flexible guest tariff to the slopes

Brand/Vorarlberg and Grödig/Salzburg, February 13, 2009.— This winter season, the western Austrian region of Brandnertal has seen a powerful re-launch, accompanied by a range of guest services based on the motto of “Destination Management”. Now, regional cableway operator Bergbahnen Brandnertal has added another improvement with a ‘pay-per-use’ solution under the name “FlexMax” – the world’s most flexible ski ticket with an hour-based tariff. It’s all made possible by innovative access technology by market leader SKIDATA.

Based on the principle of “maximum flexibility”, FlexMax allows guests to use the services of Bergbahnen Brandnertal in accordance with their individual preferences. This contactless card is really quite something: its holders are charged only for the time they’re actually using the lifts, based on a flexible hourly rate.

Taking advantage of the offer is quite easy: signing up on-line at ( with your personal details and credit card information for a one-time fee of €30 will get you a FlexMax card that is valid at all lift facilities of the region for the entire winter season. The SKIDATA Freemotion readers at the access gates automatically scan the card and register the time of entry. FlexMax users can check out any time using special readers at the valley station. This stops the fee counter until the next check-in at the lift gate.
Even frequent users won’t pay more, as the FlexMax rate is structured in such a way that the total charge for a day never exceeds the price of a regular day ticket. The charges are cleared via the guest’s credit card on a monthly basis. Also, FlexMax guests can check their time balance any time over the internet.

FlexMax is the brainchild of visionary tourism pro and managing director of Bergbahnen Brandnertal, Eugen Nigsch. “When we developed FlexMax, we wanted it to offer the ultimate in flexible pricing. Together with SKIDATA we were able to develop a product that’s a world’s first and a trendsetting product in the industry,” says Nigsch.

“We’re pleased that we’ve been able to help mountain sports enthusiasts take advantage of top-quality customer service ‘FlexMax style’,” adds Charles Egli, CEO of SKIDATA, with a satisfied smile. “It means great skiing fun without the need to queue at a ticket window or book over the internet every time.”

About Bergbahnen Brandnertal
The Brandnertal region ( is situated amid the impressive eastern alpine Rätikon mountain ranges. It offers ski and winter sports enthusiasts a whole world of snow-related activities. One of the largest regions of the Austrian Vorarlberg province, Brandnertal stands for skiing fun from the very first minute. Its easy accessibility is only one of the many advantages the region has to offer. With its expertly prepared slopes, Brandnertal offers memorable skiing holidays for the entire family.

SKIDATA Group ( is an international market leader in access management and ticketing solutions for controlled access of persons and vehicles to buildings and venues. Reference clients include internationally renowned ski resorts, airports, sports venues, and visitor attractions. Currently more than 6,000 SKIDATA applications are in operation worldwide. SKIDATA is a member of Swiss-based Kudelski Group (SWX: KUD.VX,, a world leader in digital security technology.

Contact Details

Bergbahnen Brandnertal
Mathias Bösch
Tel. +43 5559 224 - 115
Mobile +43 650 6709 224
E-Mail: mailto: [email protected]

Andreas Florian
Tel. +43 6246 888 2145
Mobile +43 664 826 5715
E-Mail: mailto:[email protected]